Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Weekly Poop 5/24/17

Roost #44 Poop
  • From the Prez - Jo Ann is completing many final details for the Convention. It's a lot of work and she's doing a great job. Roost #44 and the Council are looking for volunteers for a variety of activities. We need volunteers to help out at the parade, setting up tables at the Convention, etc. We also need volunteers to help out with any of the many games and contests. You have to be registered for the Convention to help out with games and contests. See Jo Ann or myself if you'd like to have more information on how you could volunteer or participate at the Parade and/or the Convention. Remember that the Hospitality Room is open only to members who have registered for the Convention. Thank you!
  • Dates to Remember:
    • Wednesday, May 31stEntertainment Committee Meeting, 6pm @ the Original Greene Turtle.
    • June 1st thru June 4thRoost Convention
    • Friday, June 2nd20th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament
    • Thursday, June 8thMonthly Roost Meeting, 7:30pm @ OC 360.
    • Sunday, June 18thJustin Tucker @ the Freeman Stage.
    • Sunday, July 9th Summer Picnic
    • Thursday, July 13thMonthly Roost Meeting, 7:30pm @ OC360.
    • Thursday July 27th - Shorebirds Game w/reserved tables & buffet.
    • Thursday, August 10thMonthly Roost Meeting, 7:30pm @ The Big Easy on 60.
    • Tuesday, August 15thDuckaneer Cruise, 7-9pm.
    • Thursday, September 14thMonthly Roost Meeting, 7:30pm @ The Big Easy on 60.
  • Road Trip 2017 – RR44 NASHVILLE ROAD TRIP, Sun. 11/5/2017 1pm
    Hotel: I RR44’s 2017 Road Trip to Nashville’s official hotel will be the Union Station Hotel.  The Union Station Hotel is one of the closest within walking distance to the stadium, and most entertainment venues we will want to visit, including music, bars, restaurants, & the Country Music Hall of Fame.  
    You do not need a car for this trip, won’t have to use cabs to get around and no bus is necessary to get to the game. I was able to get a Group rate of $289/night (+ tax) at the Union Station Hotel.  3 night minimum required.  Maximum of 4 in a room.  To view the hotel go to: unionstationhotelnashville.com.
    Note for those that choose to drive: although the Hotel has valet parking, the rate is $40/day.  There is a public parking garage next to the hotel that has a published rate of $15/day.  For more details go to: http://www.parkitdowntown.com/nashville/union-station-and-flying-saucer. I have put a hold on 23 rooms until May 31st. After that date any remaining rooms will be dropped and the Group rate will no longer be honored. To reserve your room call the hotel reservation line at; 888-236-2427. In addition to calling the reservation line to book your room, you can also go to the following link to do it on line: http://cwp.marriott.com/bnaak/ocravensroost. Call me if you have any questions.
    In order to qualify for the group rate shown above, we need a minimum of 10 rooms booked. Based on the list of 40 members who signed the sheet saying they were interested in a Nashville Trip, I reserved a block of 20 rooms. As of right now, only 5 rooms have been booked. 10 members who are driving to Nashville have chosen other locations to stay that are outside of walking distance to the entertainment venues & stadium and a couple others have dropped out because of conflicts with the dates. I would ask that anyone who is planning on going on this trip book their room right away. If we do not get 10 rooms booked by May 31st, the rate for the rooms will go up. Please let me know if you book a room so I can keep track of the numbers.
    Please let me know if you plan to join us so I can keep track of the rooms. I will need shirt sizes for everyone as well.
    Game day tickets: Group sales price on 3rd level seats will be $65/pp. Money for game tickets should be paid to Gary Miller. I have put a hold on 44 tickets. These must also be paid (to Gary) by May 31st.
    TRIP PRICE BREAKDOWN per person based on 3 nights Double Occupancy: ROOM $434 + $65 game ticket + $15 Trip Shirt & coozie = $514/pp. Additional Costs: Airfare; On your own.  Transportation to/from airport. Group Social TBD.
    ESTIMATED TOTAL COST (based on double occupancy): Price per person; 3 nights hotel $434, Ticket to game $65, T-Shirt & Coozie $15. $514 (double occupancy) + Airfare on your own. Compare to “BMORE Around Town” trip price - Hotel Only @ $1,095/pp Double Occupancy.
    If anyone is interested in going to a show at the Grand Ole Opry, the shows are Friday & Sat. nights only at 7 and 9:30pm. The maximum tickets you can buy at one time is 8. Go to "www.Opry.com". They do not list the performers until a week ahead. We are probably looking at having a HH/Social Friday evening once everyone gets settled into the hotel, so if you book at the Opry, I would suggest going on Sat.
    Gary Miller. 443-618-9972. garywm@mchsi.com
  • Dues: The following members have not paid their dues as of April 30: Martin Baer, Charles Boilon, JoAnn Bokman, Mary Bokman, Russ Curry, Steve Drocella, Matt Harbaugh, Darrel & Sandra Jackson, Judy Labarre, Chris & Bob Landefeld, Julie Loconus, Colby Phillips, Gay Pitz, Les Purcell, David Reeve, Jane Rones, Hank Schroding, Henry Schroding, Diane Simmons, Shane Warrne, Al Webster, Bill & Mary Wentworth. I apologize if your name is listed in error; please let me know asap if it is. Several members have informed me that they will not be renewing their dues. They are leaving in "good standing" and may return to the Roost at any time without paying another application fee. If you have any questions please e-mail me at jelder10@verizon.net. Don't forget that we are looking for a replacement for me as membership chairperson. Let one of the officers know if you're interested. Jo Ann.
  • Scholarship Golf: The tournament will be held at the Ocean Pines Golf and Country Club on Friday June 2, 2017. Cost per golfer is $115 and $460 for a team of 4. Includes Golf, Practice range, Golf Awards Luncheon Banquet, Continental breakfast, Gift bag, 2 on-course beverage coupons, $500 Putting Contest, $250 Cash Raffle and kegs at the turn and at the luncheon.
    Also, there are sponsorships available: Signature Sponsor ($2,000) includes 2 team entries, 4 tee signs, and tournament banner and tournament banquet recognition. $1,400 without team entries. Major Sponsor ($1,000): 1 team entry, 2 tee signs, and tournament banner and tournament banquet recognition. $700 without team entry. Tee Sign Sponsors-$100.
    The committee is also looking for gift cards and new merchandise for the event.
    With the $14,200 we will be awarding in scholarships in June 2107, the Roost will have awarded over $160,000 during the lifetime of our grants. Please help us out any way you can to support this cause.
    Members can still donate liquor, wine and beer for the Golf Scholarship basket of cheer until May 31st. They can either drop off at Montego Bay Realty or call Marc Grimes at 302-222-0159 for pick-up.
    Go HERE for all the info, including sign up sheets.
    Thanks, Marc Grimes & Don McMullen, Co-Chairs.
  • Convention: A separate e-mail has been sent to all convention registrants. If you did not receive it, please contact me at jelder10@verizon.net. If anyone has any time to volunteer for set-up before the convention starts, or for the parade as a Marshall, please let me know. Thanks, Jo Ann.
  • Convention Parade: If you haven’t picked up your costume, contact Jo Ann ASAP.
  • Ticket Exchange:
    • For Sale: 2 tickets to Tedeschi Trucks Band at Freeman Stage on June 17, 2017. Tickets are $50 ea. face value and are assigned seats on the end of the row next to the lake. Please call Bill 443-513-1697.
  • Entertainment: The Entertainment Committee would like you to join them for the following upcoming events:
    • The next Entertainment Committee meeting will be at 6pm on Wednesday May 31 at the Original Green Turtle. Any member, old or new, interested in helping with the upcoming outings, including the Annual Picnic, is welcome to join us!
    • Sunday, July 9th - Annual Picnic Details to follow.
    • Thursday, July 27th - Shorebirds Game. We have verbally booked the Hard ball Cafe (same as last year) for a "Thirsty Thursday" game again with a giveaway of Shorebird Visors. Pint beers will be $2 + a free buffet of grilled burgers & hot dogs, BBQ chicken legs, baked mac/cheese, watermelon, popcorn, pickles & sliced cheese on the side, water, tea, & lemonade. We will have a reserved section of tables & chairs behind home plate.
      The total cost will be $28pp which includes all the above + game ticket. We will also have the same bus as last year that will be an additional cost of about $5pp for those choosing that option. The bus will pick us up behind MB Shopping Center about 5:15 & return @ game's end.
    • So far we have 56 people signed up for the game but 15 still owe & must pay by the deadline of the June 9th meeting in order to get the tickets in time for distribution. Also there are 44 signed up for the bus & capacity is 46 seats + the driver's wife. Late signers for the bus may not get a seat if no one cancels or 3 skinny people in a seat maybe. Bus money ($5pp cash only) can be paid also at the June meeting or the July meeting. Actual deadline is at the bus but please let Ron know if you need to do that.
      The Shorebird contract was officially signed; so money needs to be collected for the down payment. Cash or checks payable to Ron Apperson can be paid at the April 13th meeting. The rest of the time line follows:
      • Meeting on June 8th - Last day to sign up & pay for tickets to comply with contract
      • Fri. June 9th - Tickets will be ordered
      • Meeting on July 13th - Tickets will be distributed to attendees + $5pp bus money collected (cash please)
      • Thur. July 27th - Game night: Bus leaves @ 5:15, popcorn/soda available @ 6:05, buffet @ 6:35
      Bus riders not at meeting on 13th must pay @ bus
      Late signups call Ron:302-436-4790 or ronpperson@msn.com (may be able to join group using "will call")
    • Tuesday, August 15thPirate Ship Cruise. Ahoy maties! Join Roost 44 for a fun "cruise" on the Duckaneer (departing from MR Ducks). Time: 7-9 pm. Cost: $20.00 per person. Cash bar on board. Attire: Pirate and wench clothes, but just an eye patch or wooden leg is ok too. The boat is limited to 45 people, so we need commitment by the July meeting so we can put our reservation in. Come walk the plank with us in the beautiful Assawoman Bay! Sign up sheet at the meeting or email Maggie at maggiemiller964@gmail.com.
Ravens Poop
  • Good daily dose of Ravens news notes and nuggets here. It’s getting to the point where I can hardly stand ESPN, but I do go Jamison Hensley’s Blog here to stay up to date with all of the AFC North news.
  • All the best Orioles news notes and nuggets at Britt's Bird Watch here.

Local Poop
  • Friday - FREE Family Movie Night at Northside Park - Surf's Up 2, Northside Park. Bring your beach chair or blanket and enjoy a free family movie in Ocean City's most popular park. This event is free and fun for the entire family. Movie begins after sunset and will be show on a giant projection movie screen. Concessions, including drinks, popcorn and candy will be available for purchase. In the event of rain, the movie will be shown in the gym at Northside Park. For more information, call 410-250-0125. Movie: Surf's Up 2 - Wave Mania
  • Saturday & Sunday - Spring Arts & Crafts Show, Roland E. Powell Convention Center. Ocean City's only Memorial Day weekend craft show, featuring vendors displaying garden accessories, jewelry, candles, florals, nautical items, wood crafts & homemade items. Also, handmade chocolates, fudge, and dip mixes. For more information, contact Janice Cropper at 410-213-0735 or cropperjl@aol.com. Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. FREE ADMISSION
  • Saturday & Sunday - Memorial Day Marlin Club Tournament, Sunset Marina. This event benefits the Caterine & Charles Kratz Memorial Foundation and Scholarship Fund. Weigh ins can be observed at Sunset Marina between 4:00pm - 6:30pm at Sunset Marina on May 27 and May 28.
  • Saturday - Bindlestiff Family Circus, Freeman Stage. Since 1995 the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus has traveled the world, bringing its unique hybrid of vaudeville, circus, burlesque, and sideshow to theaters, clubs, colleges, and festivals, adding a contemporary twist to the grand traditions of American Circus. Bindlestiff Family Cirkus co-founders Stephanie Monseu and Keith Nelson have produced over a dozen off-Broadway shows, custom performances for special audiences, family productions, and sophisticated adult shows. Their personal dedication to the variety arts, circus, vaudeville, sideshow, and burlesque has made the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus famous among audiences and within the variety performance community. This performance is free for all to attend. Please BYOC- Bring Your Own Chair. Children age 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult. Register for tickets AND attend the event to be entered into a drawing for a pair of tickets to a future performance!
  • Saturday thru Labor Day - 100 Nights of Lights, South End of Ocean City Boardwalk. From Memorial Day to Labor Day the south end of the boardwalk will light up with a new light show every night! The light display will be featured approximately every 20 minutes, from 9pm - 11pm.

Funny Poop
  • Wife’s Diary:
    Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much.
    I asked him what was wrong; He said, ‘Nothing..’ I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say, ‘I love you, too.’
    When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep; I cried. I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
    Husband’s Diary:
    A two-foot putt...who the hell misses a two-foot putt?



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