Friday, June 22, 2012

Beer in Cans...

A canned beer renaissance of sorts...

Canned beer consumption reached its peak in 1991, with bottled and draft beers having remained essentially flat at around 35%.
But in only four years, the slew of new, small, independent brewers resulted in a nearly 10% surge in the drinking of bottled and draft beer, while canned beer took a 7% nosedive during the same time period from 1991 to 1995.
These opposing trends continued for more than a decade, with the two lines intersecting in 2002. After that, bottles and kegs dominated the market, while hipsters kept the canned beer market alive by ironically drinking the cheap beer that had been treated with disregard since the mid-90s.
Then the economy skunked in 2008, and suddenly people began opting for cans once more. That year, the two categories were once again equal, and since 2009 canned beer has become the majority choice.
Last year, canned beer was back up to 53% of the market, the same percentage it enjoyed back in 1981.

The article goes on to say that the average American [adult, we assume] drinking 162 pints of beer in 2011.  Finally, I'm above average at something...

Read the entire article here.

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