Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Weekly Poop 4/1/2020

Roost #44 Poop
·         (Frank’s note: All items subject to change/cancellation)

·         From the Prez
I hope and pray that all Roost members and their families are well..this virus is to be taken seriously and all mandates ordered by the Governors of Maryland and Delaware strictly adhere well as local restrictions 

I had a meeting with Don McMullen (chairman of the Golf Scholarship committee and Ron Staines chairman of the Board) and we decided to postpone the golf tournament on May 29th .. the committee will look into a later date if feasible 

The scholarships will be awarded this year to the students who were selected..Don McMullan will have updates

As for the Ravens Council convention scheduled for May 28-31..I have been in contact with the council convention committee and they are waiting to see what the outlook is going to look like down the road..there is a meeting this Thursday and I will get a better update then..

Contact Joann Elder if you want to purchase convention passes and to sign up for activities…I’ve been in contact with Joann on any latest developments concerning the convention 

As you all know there is no meeting this month and more than likely next month’s meeting will be canceled…all events scheduled for April are cancelled, but will give updates as they are relayed to me

If you haven’t done so already please submit your membership dues to Susan..

Again all Roost members please stay home only to go out for groceries and prescriptions, wash hands, keep a social distance from others so if we all do our

·         Dates to Remember:
o    4/3/2020 – Harrington Bus Trip
o    4/9/2020 – Monthly Roost Meeting
o    5/14/2020 – Monthly Roost Meeting
o    5/28-5/31/2020 – Council Convention
o    5/29/2020 – Scholarship Golf Tournament
o    5/30/2020 – Convention Parade
o    6/11/2020 – Monthly Roost Meeting
o    6/27/2020 – Summer Picnic
o    7/9/2020 – Monthly Roost Meeting
o    8/13/2020 – Monthly Roost Meeting
o    10/31/2020 – Bull/Oyster Roast
o    12/12/2020 – Christmas Party

·         Membership: Per our Bylaws: "Each member shall pay to the Membership Chairman the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per year no later than the February meeting.  Members thirty (30) days in arrears shall no longer be members of Ravens Roost #44.  Those names will be listed in the April newsletter."

That being said, I know that many of our members are south for the winter, so I am continuing to accept 2020 dues.  In the April Caw, I will list all unpaid members and if the members are not paid by May, I will consider them resigned and drop them from the membership roll. 

Still $30 - Cheap! - Please pay at the meeting or mail your dues to: Susan Berterman, 12290 Dixie Drive, Bishopville, MD, 21813.

·         Wellness: Please call Marian Cicero @ 410.250.2501 or 443.880.0862 if you know of a Roost member in need of a message of encouragement or a sympathy card for a family member.  Please, no texts or emails.

·         House: April and May meeting at Abbey Burger behind Hol. Inn Exp.  Expectations are that this will be the end of our search project.  Member voting on the favorite venue for “most” of our meetings are planned for the May meeting.  Acceptable venues for backup locations will be announced after voting.  They will be selected and booked by the House Committee when needed.

·         Scholarship Golf: Information on the Ravens Roost #44 Legacy Scholarship: Applicants parents, grandparent or guardian must be a RR 44 member in good standing for 2 years prior to the date of the award.  The applicant must be a senior at Indian River HS, Stephen Decatur HS or Worcester Preparatory School.  Maximum award is $500.00.  The applications are on page 24 of the bylaws and should be submitted no later than April 1, 2020.

The tee sign forms, and golf applications have been uploaded to our website.  We need golfers, tee sign sponsors, major sponsors, gift cards from businesses you frequent and donations of adult beverages for our silent auction items.

Donations are being accepted for our basket of cheer.  Please bring any adult beverages you care to donate to the Roost monthly meeting in March, April, and May.

Thank you and have a great day!!  Don

·         Convention: The registration is $60 per adult, if submitted to the Council by April 17; or $65 with no souvenirs after April 18th.  I have to have them on or before our April 9 meeting. 

Registration forms were mailed to all members, and are also available on our website.  Activities include: Miller Lite Olympics, a Lip Sync Battle, Karaoke, Miniature Golf, Convention Quest (a scavenger hunt), Laser Tag, Bingo, Horseshoes, Cornhole, Plinko for Charity (wreaths across America), and a Crazy Hat Parade.

Let’s have a great turnout for this event.

Jo Ann

·         Penguin Swim: Fundraising efforts for the 2021 Penguin Swim Team will be starting sometime in April.  Events in the planning stages include: Wine/Beer tastings at local wineries and brew pubs, the annual Booze Cruise, Guest bartending events, and another charity weekend at The Shrimp Boat.  Our Team goal for this year is $16,000.

·         Entertainment:
o    Entertainment meeting’s are suspended until further notice.  

Christmas party booked for 12/12 from 6 to 10.  Upcoming are Duckaneer Pirate ship mid-August, trip to Tangier Island, hopefully away trip to Houston, depending on date, pub crawl on Kent Island in May, crab feast in October and a bull/oyster roast/Halloween party on 10/31, Capitols game in fall.  We'll keep all posted on dates.

o    Shorebirds Game: Unfortunately, Marty cannot chair this event committee as hoped, so we are looking for someone to take over.  July 16 seems to be the likely date, but we need to move quickly - March is the month the Shorebirds usually try to get a deposit from us.  Anyone interesting in heading this event please contact Donna as soon as possible.  Look for an event sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

o    Ravens Roost Picnic
Save the Date
Saturday, June 27th noon -5:00
White Horse Park -Ocean Pines
Sign-up sheet next meeting
$10 per Roost member (check made out to Ravens Roost #44)  Check will be returned to you at picnic.
$15.00 for non-members non refundable $10.00 children under 12.

o    Entertainment Schedule 2020:
§  6/27/2020 – Summer Picnic
§  7/16/2020 – Shorebirds Game
§  10/31 – Bull/Oyster Roast
§  12/12 – Christmas Party

·         Good of the Roost:
o    Join Elks lodge members and their guests for a fundraiser that will be held in the downstairs lounge on Sunday, 04/26/2020 in honor of Joann and Bob Elder.  The lodge will open at 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.  This date is in stone but other details have to be finalized.

But here is a teaser: Spaghetti dinner with two meatballs, marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread and dessert; $10.00; will be served cafeteria style.  Cash bar, regular drink prices.  The bar will donate a percentage of the proceeds to Joann and Bob.  A big thanks to Steve Gough for underwriting this event for the lodge.  Again.  Elks Care Elks Share!

Betty Arvin and Gayle Hughes will be accepting donations of baked goods the night before the fundraiser (04/25/2020).  A sign-up sheet will be on the door by the ATM machine...please write your name and the item you will be donating.

Elks are asking us to donate a Basket of Cheer and any other items like Jerseys, sweatshirts, tickets to a game maybe that can be raffled off to benefit Joann and Bob.  Please bring any bottles of Wine or Liquor WITH A Maryland Stamp (Elks said this is required) to our next 2 meetings March and April.

o    Harrington Casino Bus Trip
Date: April 3rd, 2020
Cost: $20.00 per person
Pickup from Montego Bay: 8:30 am
Pickup from Rose’s Parking lot: 9:00 am
Leave Harrington: 3:00 pm
Promotion: $15.00 free slot play and $7.00 towards buffet
Please contact Mary Kendall
Home: 302-934-7210
Cell: 302-236-9617

Ravens Poop
·         Good daily dose of Ravens news notes and nuggets here.  It’s getting to the point where I can hardly stand ESPN, but you can go here to stay up to date with all of the AFC North news.

·         Out and about and can’t watch the game?  You can listen to the Ravens on the radio! (I know, right?)  Go here: for the list of affiliates.

·         Follow all the Orioles news on MASN here from columnist Roch Kubatko.

Local Poop
·         Everything is cancelled.  Practice you social distancing.  We’ll get through this.

Funny Poop
·         An overweight business associate of mine decided it was time to shed some excess pounds.  He took his new diet seriously, even changing his driving route to avoid his favorite bakery.

One morning, however, he arrived at work carrying a gigantic coffeecake.  We all scolded him, but his smile remained cherubic.

"This is a very special coffeecake," he explained.  "I accidentally drove by the bakery this morning and there in the window were a host of goodies.  I felt this was no accident, so I prayed, `Lord, if you want me to have one of those delicious coffeecakes, let me have a parking place directly in front of the bakery.'

"And sure enough," he continued, "the eighth time around the block, there it was!"

·         A pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says, “Hey, um, did you realize you have a steering wheel stuck on the front of your pants?”

The pirate says, “Aaargh, I know, it’s drivin’ me nuts!”

·         Got Poop?  Let me know!  I’m going to try to get this out every Wednesday so if you get it to me by Tuesday, I’ll try to include it.  Your input is appreciated.

·         Our website is up and running.  Be sure to bookmark our address - or go to our blog @ for the latest news, notes and nuggets.

·         Life is short.  Focus on the good.


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